Data Science

Solutions for the digital age. Combining applied mathematics with computerscience, we position graduates for the analysis of large-scale, real-time data.

What You'll get

  • 1,000+ hours of skills training that lead to in-demand jobs.
  • Instruction and mentorship from industry leaders and experienced developers.
  • Free access to other tech skills training and updated curriculum as the tech industry evolves.
  • Up to 27 hours of transferable college credit.
  • Faith-based values, taught by Bethel leaders Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton, Danny Silk and Dann
    Farrelly, that help build high emotional intelligence.
  • Dedicated career services that prepare you for high-paying, high-growth jobs.

Where you'll grow

  • Stretch yourself to "foot-in-the-door" ready for a tech job in less than a year, regardless of previous tech background.
  • Average starting salary of $70k+ (
  • Learn to think like a true technologist, prioritizing context over content.
  • Work in a collaborative team environment to identify problems and develop solutions.
  • Grow your personal walk with God and further discover your identity in Christ.
  • Exemplify excellence in the workplace with high skill and high character.
  • Develop in-demand soft skills in areas such as: trust, accountability, empathy and conflict resolution.

Learn Anywhere,

Built for your world. Our online courses are completed in 33 weeks. Many of our students have families, jobs, and complete Bethel Tech.

Macbook Pro

The Course


Basic Statistics

Probability, Data Types, Common Distributions, Common Descriptive Statistics and Statistical Inference.



Foundational knowledge of database concepts, theory, and overview of various implementations and architectures.


Programming Foundations

Programming Foundations in a language heavily used in data science.


Statistical Programming

Basic scripting and data manipulation commands, introduction to a vast library of functions to perform various statistical analyses.


Data Visualization

Data wrangling and manipulation to meet the rigid requirements for analysis, graphical representation of data.


Metrics and Data Processing

Creation of new metrics to directly answer business questions, theory and practice of statistical process control.


Intermediate Statistics

Hypothesis testing under multiple scenarios, identification and verification of data requirements for hypothesis testing.


Introduction to Big Data

Foundational concept of Big Data and how to move from Big Data basic to more business-specific needs and requirements.


Machine Learning and Modeling

Determine the best methods for a given set of data, use of common software tools to utilize these methods.


Group Project

Work as a team in a scrum environment to cover tasks and progress collective and individually to meet project goals.


Bethel Kingdom Core Foundations

Identity, Intimacy, Supernatural Living, Kingdom Culture, Relationships, Bible, Leadership, and Honor.

Upcoming Start Dates


Aug 19, 2024


Sep 30, 2024


Nov 18, 2024